And Then There Was Eve was Worth the Wait

And Then There Was Eve is one of the rare films that places the spotlight on a transgender actress in a leading role. Much credit should to go to director Savannah Bloch, who co-wrote the screenplay with Colette Freedman, for being adamant that a trans woman was cast as Eve rather than following the Hollywood trend of casting cis males as trans woman. Rachel Crowl shines in her role as jazz pianist Eve.  It’s one of…

"And Then There Was Eve was Worth the Wait"

Rachel Crowl talks And Then There Was Eve, Transgender Opportunities in Media

Following the premiere of And Then There Was Eve at the LA Film Festival, transgender actress Rachel Crowl took some time to talk to Solzy at the Movies about the film and what can be done to improve transgender representation in the media.  Originally, I was going to run her responses as a part of a larger feature story on what can be done to improve things but I’ve decided to run this separately ahead…

"Rachel Crowl talks And Then There Was Eve, Transgender Opportunities in Media"