Frost/Nixon: A Delayed 15th Anniversary Review

Ron Howard hit another home run with his 2008 adaptation of Peter Morgan’s play, Frost/Nixon, starring Frank Langella and Michael Sheen. Peter Morgan adapted his play for the screen and one gets a sense of the film playing out like a boxing match. David Frost (Michael Sheen) is on one side of the ring while former President Richard M. Nixon (Frank Langella) is on the other side. Anyway, the headlining interview does not come until…

"Frost/Nixon: A Delayed 15th Anniversary Review"

2012: Disaster Thriller Is Our Worst Nightmare

Roland Emmerich’s 2009 sci-fi disaster thriller, 2012, offers thrills and destruction at the end of the world with amazing visuals to boot. We follow the film through the lens of two different characters, geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and novelist Jackson Curtis (John Cusack). On a trip to India in 2009, Adrian learns that neutrinos are heating up the Earth’s core. This information is quickly presented to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver…

"2012: Disaster Thriller Is Our Worst Nightmare"

X-Men: First Class – The Road to Dark Phoenix

X-Men: First Class does a solid job in taking things back to where it all begin when both Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr meet for the first time. A brief prologue lays the beginning foundations for Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender), Charles Xavier (James McAvoy), and Raven Darkhölme (Jennifer Lawrence).  I like that director Matthew Vaughn opts for a shot-for-shot recreation of the X-Men opening.  It’s a brilliant way to tie the new series into the…

"X-Men: First Class – The Road to Dark Phoenix"