May December Revisits 1990s Scandal With Humor

May December revisits a notorious scandal as an actress arrives in Georgia in order to research a role in an upcoming film. If the film’s plot sounds familiar, that’s because it’s basically the story of Mary Kay Letourneau. The main difference is that Gracie Atherton-Yoo (Julianne Moore) and Joe Yoo (Charles Melton) conducted their affair at a pet shop, not a school. In any event, Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman) has hit up their Savannah, Georgia…

"May December Revisits 1990s Scandal With Humor"

59th Chicago International Film Festival Recap

The 59th Chicago International Film Festival has come to an end and it has been among the least productive fests for Solzy at the Movies. I didn’t not watch screeners going into the festival because of how the Jewish holidays fell. My initial plan had been to wait until after the end of Simchat Torah. As we all know, my plan to watch any screeners became impossible because the tragic attack on Israel on October…

"59th Chicago International Film Festival Recap"