Duck Soup at 90 Years: A Marx Brothers Retrospective

Despite the film being a box office disappointment, Duck Soup is the pinnacle achievement for the Four Marx Brothers on the screen. Duck Soup is 90 years old today. Paramount viewed the film as a disappointment because it didn’t bring in the money they hoped. The Great Depression was certainly a contributing factor. That the film is a political satire is probably less of a factor in why it did not perform better. There is…

"Duck Soup at 90 Years: A Marx Brothers Retrospective"

An Affair To Remember: A Beloved Romantic Classic

Despite being a remake of 1939’s Love Affair, Leo McCarey’s An Affair To Remember remains a beloved romantic classic to this day. “Oh, it was nobody’s fault but my own. I was looking up. It was the nearest thing to heaven. You were there.” – Terry McKay (Deborah Kerr) If you watch the film right after the 1939 original, it is going to look and sound very familiar. This is because the script is more…

"An Affair To Remember: A Beloved Romantic Classic"