Eight Gifts of Hanukkah: A Chanukah Movie

The Hallmark Channel graces us yet again with another Chanukah movie–this time, it’s Eight Gifts of Hanukkah airing on Shabbas. I have some primary complaints that I need to make. One, there is a wreath on the door. I can understand why the Eye See You optometry office has decorations–compromise between Jew and non-Jew. However, no religious household would place a wreath on their door! We had this exact same conversation last year during Love,…

"Eight Gifts of Hanukkah: A Chanukah Movie"

Jewish Holidays: When Studios Don’t Accommodate

When the Jewish holidays fall during the week, it isn’t too much to ask the studios to make accommodations because of religious observances. September is a very busy month every year because the fall film festivals kick off awards season but the Jewish holidays can fall whenever. Sometimes, they fall during the weekend, which means a lesser chance of running into a screening conflict. But other times, they take place during the week, which is…

"Jewish Holidays: When Studios Don’t Accommodate"