Framing Agnes – Sundance 2022

Framing Agnes is a unique introduction to transgender history as the film brings Harold Garfinkel’s gender health research to the screen. The feature film expands on the short by bringing on additional cast members. To say that the film is unique would not be an understatement. They utilize Garfinkel’s UCLA transcripts by presenting it in a form of a talk show. Meanwhile, the documentary takes us behind the scenes by talking with the cast members…

"Framing Agnes – Sundance 2022"

Sundance 2020: Disclosure: Trans Lives On Screen

Disclosure: Trans Lives On Screen takes a deep dive into cinematic and television history in order to start a conversation about transgender lives. According to GLAAD, 80 percent of Americans have never met a transgender person.  Here’s to hoping that Disclosure changes this statistic because this documentary is the film that we’ve all been waiting for.  It’s a film that puts transgender lives on screen in a new perspective.  There’s a lot to take in…

"Sundance 2020: Disclosure: Trans Lives On Screen"

Jen Richards talks Easy Living, Transgender Opportunities in TV/Film

Jen Richards took some time over the weekend to talk to Solzy at the Movies about her role in Easy Living and transgender opportunities in TV and film. Thanks for joining Solzy at the Movies today.  How are things treating you? Jen Richards:  The sun is shining, I had fried chicken for breakfast, and the Clash just came up on my iPad, so I’d say things are treating me rather well. You’re co-starring as Danny…

"Jen Richards talks Easy Living, Transgender Opportunities in TV/Film"