Lifeboat: Alfred Hitchcock Thriller Marks 80th Anniversary

Lifeboat marks the 80th anniversary since Alfred Hitchcock’s World War II survival thriller was released in theaters in 1944. This film falls into the same vein as Foreign Correspondent. The two films, while different, deal with World War 2 in their own way. The idea of people isolated on a lifeboat provided Hitchcock with his own challenge. How do you make this into a film? Filming ten people on a small boat sounds easy but…

"Lifeboat: Alfred Hitchcock Thriller Marks 80th Anniversary"

Objective, Burma! Is A Solid-But-Flawed War Film

Objective, Burma! is based on the six-month raid by Merrill’s Marauders, albeit loosely, as a part of the Southeast Asian theatre in WW2. In short, Captain Nelson (Errol Flynn) leads a group of U.S. Army paratroopers into Burma. Their objective is to take out a Japanese radar station because of it’s strategic location. Unfortunately, they miss their rendezvous because the Japanese are waiting at the airstrip. Captain Nelson makes the call and the 36-men team–after splitting…

"Objective, Burma! Is A Solid-But-Flawed War Film"