The Harder They Fall Helps Right A Wrong

The Western has been making something of a comeback over the years and The Harder They Fall shows that the genre is far from dead. The gist of the film is that an outlaw, Nat Love aka “Deadwood Dick” (Jonathan Majors), learns that legendary outlaw Rufus Buck (Idris Elba) is being released from prison. As such, Nat gets his old gang together to get his revenge against his enemy. Nat’s gang includes Stagecoach Mary (Zazie…

"The Harder They Fall Helps Right A Wrong"

X-Men: First Class – The Road to Dark Phoenix

X-Men: First Class does a solid job in taking things back to where it all begin when both Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr meet for the first time. A brief prologue lays the beginning foundations for Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender), Charles Xavier (James McAvoy), and Raven Darkhölme (Jennifer Lawrence).  I like that director Matthew Vaughn opts for a shot-for-shot recreation of the X-Men opening.  It’s a brilliant way to tie the new series into the…

"X-Men: First Class – The Road to Dark Phoenix"