Paula Eiselt talks Aftershock, Filmmaking

Paula Eiselt spoke with Solzy at the Movies about Aftershock, the new Hulu/Onyx Collective documentary about the maternal health crisis. Eiselt also tells SATM about her interest in filmmaking, making documentaries, and what challenges come with being a Shomer Shabbos filmmaker. For non-Jewish readers, one who is Shomer Shabbos doesn’t work on Shabbos (Friday evening through an hour past sunset on Saturday night) or the major Jewish holidays. Aftershock is a very different film from…

"Paula Eiselt talks Aftershock, Filmmaking"

Aftershock – Sundance 2022

Aftershock is among the most heartbreaking documentaries that any audience will watch when the film is eventually released. The U.S. maternal health system is in a crisis. Perhaps you’ve heard of it and perhaps you did not. In any event, this documentary brings the crisis directly to you for the better part of almost 90 minutes. It’s unfortunate because the United States is among the most industrialized nations in the world. We should not have…

"Aftershock – Sundance 2022"