Mr. Saturday Night: 30 Years Later

Billy Crystal marked his feature directorial debut in 1992 with Mr. Saturday Night, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. Buddy Young Jr. (Billy Crystal) dates back to a HBO comedy special in 1984. Crystal knew there was something special there and brought the character to Saturday Night Live after joining the cast. Even dating back to his earlier years, the character was something of an insult comic. You can place Buddy Young Jr. into…

"Mr. Saturday Night: 30 Years Later"

Django Unchained Marks Its 10th Anniversary

Quentin Tarantino’s Oscar-winning Django Unchained marked the tenth anniversary of its 2012 theatrical release earlier this week. Django (Jamie Foxx) is a slave who happens to land an unlikely encounter with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). He’s the key to helping Schultz find the Brittle brothers and for his help, the bounty hunter promises to free him. When Django fulfills his obligations, he chooses not to go his own separate way but…

"Django Unchained Marks Its 10th Anniversary"

Whiplash Captures Greatness, Looks Beautiful On 4K Ultra HD

Damien Chazelle’s Oscar-winning sophomore feature film, Whiplash, looks as beautiful as ever since being released on 4K Ultra HD. It’s very fascinating to revisit the film several years after I watched it for the first time. For one, it’s been wonderful watching Chazelle evolve as a filmmaker let alone have the opportunity to tell him in person how much I appreciate his work. I didn’t start attending Sundance until 2018 but Whiplash is one of…

"Whiplash Captures Greatness, Looks Beautiful On 4K Ultra HD"

Flight Holds Up Ten Years Later

Ten years after its theatrical release, the Oscar-nominated Flight still holds up as Denzel Washington turns in one of his best performances. Veteran airline pilot Captain William “Whip” Whitaker (Denzel Washington) crash lands a MD-80 series aircraft and somehow survives the event. It’s a miracle that even made it beyond the departure, what with a storm and all. After that, things went from a sigh of relief to G-d help us all in a matter…

"Flight Holds Up Ten Years Later"

Trouble with The Curve Still Charms 10 Years Later

Trouble with the Curve is still a charming baseball movie in watching the film a few months after it marked its tenth anniversary. The film marked the directorial debut for Clint Eastwood’s longtime producing partner, Robert Lorenz. If you want my opinion, the director is in there with a stand-up triple. While the film isn’t Eastwood’s final acting role, it’s one of his last roles on screen and honestly, you couldn’t ask for more. Plus,…

"Trouble with The Curve Still Charms 10 Years Later"

Groucho and Cavett: A Touching Documentary

Groucho and Cavett explores the relationship between talk show host Dick Cavett and a frequent guest, comedian Groucho Marx. Groucho Marx–one of the Marx Brothers–was one of the most popular guests to return time after time on Cavett’s show. What you might not know about the two is that Marx was also Cavett’s mentor of sorts. After watching a young Cavett perform stand-up on The Merv Griffin Show, Marx later wrote a letter and offered…

"Groucho and Cavett: A Touching Documentary"

Amistad Marks 25th Anniversary

Based on the true events about Spanish slave ship La Amistad, Amistad marks the 25th anniversary of its theatrical release in 1997. For the second time in a few years, Steven Spielberg followed a summer blockbuster with a serious period picture. Funny enough, both action films were installments of the Jurassic Park franchise. Two stars from The Lost World: Jurassic Park would make their way into this film: Pete Postlethwaite and Arliss Howard as William…

"Amistad Marks 25th Anniversary"

As Good As It Gets Marks 25th Anniversary

James L. Brooks’ Oscar-winning As Good As It Gets marks the 25th anniversary of the romantic dramedy’s 1997 theatrical release. Poor Verdell. That’s what happens when you pee in the lobby and piss off a neighbor. No dog deserves to be dumped in the dumpster! But in all seriousness, the dogs playing Verdell end up stealing the show and force Jack Nicholson into playing the straight man to the pooch. I wouldn’t have it any…

"As Good As It Gets Marks 25th Anniversary"

Jackie Brown Marks 25th Anniversary

Jackie Brown, which gave new life to Pam Grier and Robert Forster’s careers, marks the 25th anniversary of its theatrical release in 1997. In Quentin Tarantino’s adaptation of Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch, the filmmaker pays homage to the 1970s blaxploitation films. The gist of the film is that Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) is a flight attendant who is smuggling money for Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson) and authorities catch her in action. But before that…

"Jackie Brown Marks 25th Anniversary"

Chaplin Marks 30th Anniversary

Chaplin, starring Robert Downey Jr. as the legendary silent film star, marks the 30th anniversary of its theatrical release in 1992. I planned to watch the film earlier this year but there were some sync issues on the recording. As such, I watched it two weeks ago on HBO Max before the film leaves the streaming service. While I like Robert Downey Jr.’s performance as the silent film star (flaws and all), the script leaves…

"Chaplin Marks 30th Anniversary"