Warner Bros. Did Batgirl Wrong

Warner Bros. Discovery did both Batgirl and Scoob!: Holiday Haunt wrong in the shelving of both titles from theatrical or HBO Max release. It’s not just the fact that Batgirl featured Leslie Grace in a leading role but that the film already completed principal photography. You have a similar issue with Scoob! Holiday Haunt. The reports out there suggest that it’s practically finished already. But since Warner Bros. owns the film rights for Scooby-Doo, it’s…

"Warner Bros. Did Batgirl Wrong"

The Dark Knight Rises: A Stellar Conclusion

The Dark Knight Rises manages to bring Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy to an end with a thrilling and stellar conclusion. The closing chapter certainly changes up the pace after the first two films delivered a strong focus on organize crime. Gone are the Falcone and Maroni crime families. The terrorizing Bane (Tom Hardy) steps into replace them eight years after Harvey Dent’s death. Thanks to the Dent Act, many criminals are behind bars. Oh, does…

"The Dark Knight Rises: A Stellar Conclusion"