Hollywood Needs Some More Originality In Movies

When it comes to the studio movies, it’s time to start seeing some originality in the content they are proving. One of the biggest problems I’ve had this year is with the comedies being released.  Either I didn’t see them or I simply chose to pass on them after reading the reviews and that’s a shame because comedies are among the movies that I choose to see first if there isn’t a comic book or…

"Hollywood Needs Some More Originality In Movies"

Table 19 should have RSVPd with a No

Anna Kendrick leads a star-studded cast in Table 19.  Unfortunately, all of them should have responded “no.” That’s not to say that this film isn’t cute because it is at times and it might even be better than the worst weddings you’ve ever been to.  I feel bad saying this because I usually enjoy films that are associated with the Duplass Brothers. Written and directed by Jeffrey Blitz from a story by the Duplass Brothers,…

"Table 19 should have RSVPd with a No"