Outside the Wire: A Future Aided By Robots

Outside the Wire imagines a world in 2036 where human troops on both sides are assisted by robotic soldiers and drone pilots. No, the film is not set in Baltimore.  It is clear to me that nobody is bothering to heed the warnings of the great machine uprising given to us in The Terminator films.  Next thing you know, some genius will attempt to open a theme park with dinosaurs.  Actually, that’s not a bad…

"Outside the Wire: A Future Aided By Robots"

SXSW 2018: All Square

All Square isn’t as much as a movie about gambling in as much as it is a character study of the players involved.   John Zbikowski (Michael Kelly) isn’t having the best of luck with being able to collect the money that people owe him.  He’s a bookie in a small town and when football season ends, the revenue stream just isn’t there.  Once basketball season starts to wind down, the revenue gets even smaller. …

"SXSW 2018: All Square"