Sundance 2019: Late Night

Late Night is a hysterically funny film that puts the spotlight on women in a comedy industry on television that is predominantly male. Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson) is the host of Tonight with Katherine.  In the film’s universe, Katherine the only late night talk show host who is female and has her own show.  She’s won many awards over the years and the film starts as the Brit becomes the first foreigner to take home…

"Sundance 2019: Late Night"

Sundance 2019: My Most Anticipated Films

With the 2019 Sundance Film Festival starting up on Thursday night, here are a few of the films that I am excited to see at the Park City film festival. Late Night I’ve had a love of comedy since as long as I can remember.  I moved to Chicago for improv/sketch comedy before somehow becoming a film critic.  Late Night is hands-down one of my most anticipated films since the lineup was first announced in…

"Sundance 2019: My Most Anticipated Films"