Eight Below Is Still Heartwarming 16 Years Later

It’s been sixteen years since the theatrical release in 2006 but Eight Below is a testament to the challenges of survival and friendship. After watching a number of disaster thrillers over MLK weekend in January, I was in the mood for a film about dogs. Upon noticing that I missed last year’s 15th anniversary, I figured it would be better late than never. Given the film’s themes of survival and friendship, I knew the adventure film…

"Eight Below Is Still Heartwarming 16 Years Later"

Jason Biggs talks The Subject, American Pie

Jason Biggs spoke with Solzy at the Movies about his role in a new film, The Subject, and where things stand on the future of American Pie. The Subject is a very unsettling film but it offers one of the best performances in Jason Biggs’s acting career. Seven different film festivals honored Biggs with awards for his performance. Screenwriter Chisa Hutchinson penned the screenplay in 2010 and over ten years later, Lanie Zipoy directs a…

"Jason Biggs talks The Subject, American Pie"