In Search of Tomorrow: A Love Letter to 80s Sci-Fi

In Search of Tomorrow: A Journey Through ’80s Sci-Fi Cinema is a five-hour love letter to 1980s sci-fi movies and the definitive documentary on the genre. If you’re a fan of 80s sci-fi cinema, this is the film you’ve been waiting for! It’s the be-all, end-all of documentaries on the genre. It would probably be better for this to be a documentary series. Instead, it’s a documentary of almost five-hours long. It’s a film that…

"In Search of Tomorrow: A Love Letter to 80s Sci-Fi"

Rock Camp: The Movie Is A Dream Come True

If you ever wanted to know what it is like to attend the Rock’ n’ Roll Fantasy Camp, Rock Camp: The Movie is the documentary for you. If you have about $5,000 and an interest in rock music, you can attend one of the most famous fantasy camps in America.  Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of this opportunity?  I know that I would!  If not for The Beatles Anthology airing on ABC, I would…

"Rock Camp: The Movie Is A Dream Come True"