Deep Impact Marks 25th Anniversary with 4K Ultra HD

One of two asteroid movies in 1998, Deep Impact celebrates its 25th anniversary this week by arriving on 4K Ultra HD for the first time. What follows is my review from the film’s 20th anniversary in 2018: Deep Impact has all the makings of a cinematic masterpiece but falls just a tad bit short of joining the all-time classics. The film starts out with Leo Biederman (Elijah Wood) discovering an unknown object at a party.…

"Deep Impact Marks 25th Anniversary with 4K Ultra HD"

Elijah Wood talks 7 Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss

Elijah Wood answered fan questions during Fan Expo Chicago and touched on producing 7 Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss a few years ago. While most of the questions dealt with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a few touched on other titles involving the actor. Wood joined his SpectreVision partners Daniel Noah, Josh C. Waller, and Lisa Whalen in producing the film through their Company X banner. Vivieno Caldinelli directed the comedy from a screenplay…

"Elijah Wood talks 7 Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss"

Tribeca 2019: Come to Daddy

Led by a solid performance from Elijah Wood, Come to Daddy is a thriller from start to finish with a nice mix of comedy thrown into the mix. When we first meet Los Angeles DJ Norval Greenwood (Elijah Wood), he’s getting off the bus somewhere near the coast.  He’s visiting his father–a man who hasn’t seen in three decades–after getting a letter from him.  While the two appear to be hitting it off, things quickly…

"Tribeca 2019: Come to Daddy"

Deep Impact at 20 Years

Deep Impact has all the makings of a cinematic masterpiece but falls just a tad bit short of joining the all-time classics. The film starts out with Leo Biederman (Elijah Wood) discovering an unknown object at a party. This is later revealed to be a comet heading towards a collision course with Earth. They send the photo to Dr. Marcus Wolf (Charles Martin Smith). He realizes what the object his but dies in route while…

"Deep Impact at 20 Years"