In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon is Definitive

In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon is a complementary companion to Paul Simon’s 2023 album, Seven Psalms. A montage to a Wimberley, Texas’ KWVH intro sets the tone for the next 200+ minutes to come. In as much as the documentary is about Simon’s work on his new album, it is also about the singer’s life. And yet, it’s possible that there’s a universe where Simon does not go into music. His father–a…

"In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon is Definitive"

Totally Under Control Condemns Donald Trump

Totally Under Control is yet another documentary arriving before Election Day and among the most damning for the Trump Administration. That the documentary takes its own title from Trump’s very words should not be a surprise.  Don’t forget this is the same Donald Trump who downplayed the threat of Covid-19 in public while telling Bob Woodward differently.  Secretly filmed during the pandemic, the film was not locked until October 1st.  Hours later, Trump would test…

"Totally Under Control Condemns Donald Trump"